Fifth Third Bank
Forgot Login - Heuristic Evaluation & Competitive Analysis

Fifth Third Bank
Move Money - UX Design & Usability Testing

JACKLIGHT Product Site Design
UI/UX Design & Research

Choice Adhesives UI/UX Design
UI/Web Design

Teron Gallery UI/UX Design
UI/UX and Web Design

Wine of the Vine UI/UX Design
UI/UX and Web Design

Character Design / Illustration

Web Comic Illustration
Story Boarding & Illustration

Faith Bible Church Mission Trip Apparel
Branding / Apparel Design

Jacklight Brand Design
Brand Design / Photography

Teron Animated Product Category Banners
GIF/2D Animation

STIHL Point-Of-Purchase Items
Print/Advertising Design

eMedia Robot Character Design

STIHL Product Photography

Teron Lighting Trade Show Banners
Print/Production Design

Teron Website Management
Wordpress/CMS Administration

Holiday Liquor Bar Brand Identity

Teron Product/Faux Photography
Product Photography and Retouching

Senate - Hotdog Mascot Design