I participated in the designing and UI/UX strategies for Wine On The Vine’s Plant A Vine and Start a Vine Bank walk-throughs on the www.wineonthevine.org website. The purpose of this project was to create a seamless process so that customers could buy vines to make wine in Israel and/or start a Vine Bank that would be used to give away gifts to others or to stockpile vines to be used at a later date. Worked with a developer and design lead on this process to solve problems like how vines can be selected from different vineyards in Israel, how to share them with others for easier accessibility, and make sure the transaction process had the least amount of steps as possible to make sure the customer has the least path of resistance. Used Sketch to lay out the design and prototyped design with InVision. Making sure to adhere to simple design, grouping of similar content, making sure calls to action were grouped well, and that all the information architecture made sense for each page was essential for the design to stand out and make sense to the user. Collaborated with manager as well with the data and client goals needed for this project.
The process of planting/purchasing vines can be found here: https://wineonthevine.org/shop/