Various promotional opportunities were planned and executed throughout the Spring and Fall primarily. This was on of the campaigns that ran in the Fall to showcase deals and sales for the STIHL retailers to hang and show in their stores to customers to know the deals that were running at that time. I worked closely with a 3rd printer and marketing department to make sure the brand was consistent for printing and web advertisements. This was
to solve the problem that retailers did not have their own capabilities for marketing. Our job was to support our retailers to be able to get the right materials to be able to show their customers the sales and value of STIHL products.

The Fall POP above was designed in the form of hang tags next to various products, a poster designed for a frame, and a counter mat insert to be placed in front of any points of sale.

The hang tags below assisted in highlighting lithium-ion product sales as these promotions were to portray value before the new lithium-ion products would come in the STIHL line-up.